Increase your store conversions by allowing your customers to place orders on WhatsApp.
You may have seen some paid products dedicated to this feature. We have this add-on, available for all your pro websites, which works even more powerful in conjunction with other SpeadSimple features.
Using this add-on you will allow your customers to start the instant conversation with you right upon order placement.
You will receive the order detail in the first message. You can compose the custom message template in any language. Just use special tags like {{}} and {{cartItemsText}}, these tags to be replaced with actual values from the order data.
2 small improvements for a better email notification experience:
Multiple badges in every sense: you can select several columns and inside each column, you can enter several badges separated by commas. Each mapped column will have its own badge color.Â
We were often asked if it was possible to somehow highlight one of the elements: a promotional product, or a featured ad. Now yes, and we made it even more powerful because you can bind arbitrary CSS classes to a specific row of an element and set custom styles for them.
To use this feature, you don't need to set up additional column mapping, just add a column and name it '.class' (with a dot at the beginning).
For starters, you can use the built-in 'sv-is-highlighted' class name to highlight the featured element.
This add-on will be appreciated by tech-savvy users: it allows you to send order form data to an external resource.
This way you can cover the following scenarios after purchase:
as the next step after shopping cart confirmation, direct the user to the custom form and optionally populate the fields of this form with data from the order
implement an arbitrary checkout process using your own script for payment, delivery, booking. Your script can obtain the state of the cart form and you can manage the mapping of the fields.
or just redirect the user to any ‘Thank you’ page
Technically, when using this add-on, the cart contents and client info are submitted as a <form> to the specified action URL with the specified method: GET or POST.
You’re able to map each query param and form-data field of this form by setting up the key=value pairs.